Tuesday, January 25, 2011

As many people can relate, I am getting a slightly severe case of Senioritis. School is not something I look forward to when I get up at 6:00 am. Nor the place I feel happy at every moment. I have been in this building for a whole six years or about 1,200 days. Now, as a senior, I just want it done and over with. Luckily, I only have three months left.
Now, don't get me wrong. This school has offered me a lot and I have excelled and exceeded my own expectations for myself. ARTech is a place I have grown to become me.
But I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Luckily, I know that at the end of the day I am able to go to the barn where (almost) nothing goes wrong. I know that when I tack up a horse and get on their backs, they're going to try the best they can to do what I ask of them. I get taken away and I always feel better with these friendly beasts. They try so hard to please and understand us but sadly we don't always take that into account when we get mad or frustrated at them. Horses do everything for a reason. Not because they're jerks, but most likely because they're hurt or scared. They are truly the most honest animal that humans have domesticated.
I just wanted to throw that out there because many horse people needed to be reminded of that. I wince at people beating on their horses for no obvious reason. Of course, there is a time and place for punishing a horse but for the most part I think trial and error training is the best solution for any horse training problem.
Moving on before I get too into it, I have gotten some recent news of where I will stay in Germany. Raphael found me a place near Heinsburg, which is north of Aachen. I'll be working at the farm of the Quadflieg family and staying at an apartment (Kris Black's from Savage, MN) about ten minutes away from there (yes, that means I have to drive). So far, this is all I know. I'm sure there will be lots more info to come.
I'll post as soon as I know. :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Measuring Time

Brr, it's been especially cold in MN for the last couple of days. I've been keeping up to date with Germany's weather, as well. While we're suffering in -30, they're happy in their 30's (yes, that is without the negative in front of it). That is a whole 60 degree difference. I'd be sunbathing right now! Geez, I sometimes wonder why people live here...
I'll be excited to have my Christmas and new year (I'll be avoiding all the crazy Americans who think the world is going to end in 2012) in Germany. Yet, I'll miss everyone I normally spend the holidays with. But my ma is planning to come spend the holidays with me there and so do many other people. I guess I need to start saving up for bigger suitcases to sneak everyone into the country with me. :]
Talking to people about it get my adrenaline going. I'm happy but sad at the same time. I just don't want to miss anything at home but yet I need to have experiences in my life so I can grow. I know I'll learn so much; more than anyone or anywhere in the U.S. could ever offer me. I am thankful to be diving into unknown abyss (sounds like an oxymoron). Many people tell me that I won't want to leave when it's over and I believe it. I'm sure I'll return time and time again. Or I at least hope to.
There will be many entries in this blog like this, I'm sure. Just nervous ramblings about how I feel about the topic at the time. However, since that could get boring, I'm sure I'll be able to calm down and talk about other things, like finishing up my senior year at school or my horses I have at home. But this is what I usually have on my mind. If it's not this, it's what I need to do to get there. Whatta life.

But for now, I just write and live for the future.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!

Hey everyone,

whoever everyone is. For now, that's no one. I don't plan to make this blog truly public until I really know where the heck I'm going to go.
Where am I going? Well, there's some sort of crazy plan being set for me to go be a working student at a dressage barn in Germany in October. Yeah, I don't much believe it either. Not yet, anyway. I won't believe it until I'm on the plane, flying over an ocean, far far away from everything I love. But it's good for me. I figure, if a person wants to be someone, they have to be open to experiences. So nonetheless, I am very very excited.

Anywho, that's basically what this blog is going to be all about. It's to keep in touch with my friends and family while I'm there and also for me to remember the experience. But for now, I set it up in case I need to iron things out for myself.

Here's to making memories. Wish me luck. :]