The days are so repetitive here. I muck stalls, lounge horses, turn horses in and out, have my lunch break, clean, etc., etc.. But every day I get handed little bits and pieces of trust. After being here for a month and a half, they have let me ride numerous ponies. But all of a sudden, I was climbing onto a horse. Not just any horse, though.
His name is Wilander. I immediately became fond of him a couple weeks ago when I walked into his stall and he greeted me with a smile and a lick. He likes to lick people. He's the color of smoke. He isn't what people would think of what a warmblood looks like; he doesn't have much of a tail and he's not what you'd call elegant because he is very round-looking (kind of like Hollywood) instead of lanky like a warmblood. But when he moves, he floats.
As I climbed on board this amazing horse, I thought maybe they were making a mistake. Maybe in a few minutes, Marion would come in and shout at me to get off her horse. But no. She came in and watched me ride him with a genuine smile. Every once in a while she would give me some advice. But holy crap. I was having the time of my life on that horse.
Unfortunately, Marion got a call in the middle of my ride about someone who wanted to come see him the next day as he is for sale. So Marion rode him for the rest of the time. But it didn't matter. I am so happy that they let me ride such an amazing horse. My thighs still burn from sitting his big trot. Hopefully I'll get to ride him again.
On Sunday, Mr. Held is going to take me sight-seeing along the Rhein river. I'm super excited. I'll make sure to blog about it. :)
16 days until Frankfurt and 23 days until Noelle and my mom come visit me! :D
Write, you lazy horsegirl!