Emotions are running high 'round here.
Although I am done with high school forever, the stress hasn't stopped. I still have my PSEO class to finish up, horses to train, a show season to make sense of, things to do, places to see, etc., etc..
All of this made my stress override my calm, contained self and I had a meltdown. Yikes. But I'm back. I'm fine. Everything will fall into place.
Another thing that has had me bothered lately has to do with animal slaughter. The other day, I found a video that the Gentle Barn posted on YouTube. They rescued four calves whom were victims of the dairy industry. Had the Gentle Barn not saved them, they would be in a package or digested through the human digestive system, labeled "veal". After watching this video with my mom, we made an effort to become vegans. We hadn't realized until now how much the dairy industry kills animals. After being a vegetarian all my life (18 years), I always thought how much good I was doing by not eating animals. It was good, but it was certainly not enough. There are so many reasons that outweigh consuming animal products that it is worth taking that extra step. It feels selfish not to. I have become much more aware of what I eat, drink, and buy. And it's completely and totally worth it.
I encourage you, if you are a meat consumer, to try to be go vegetarian for a day. Then a week. Keep going when you find out that it isn't as hard and you might have thought, because after a while, it isn't hard at all. Or you could refrain from eating meat once a week. You could save hundreds of lives. The only way to stop something is to stop doing what you don't like.
I know I sound like a crazy PETA whacko, but I wouldn't do it if it were something I feel so strongly about. Think about the animals who were born to die.
Have empathy.
No news on my Germany trip, by the way. It kinda got postponed until I'm all done with my PSEO.
P.S. Think.